Which windows os is best for laptop
Which windows os is best for laptop

which windows os is best for laptop

Which windows os is best for laptop windows 10#

Windows 10 is the newest version and has development/security support indefinitely. Microsoft has completely stopped further development and security updates for 7 and XP, while Windows 8.1 will only receive security updates until early 2023. Windows 8, 7, and XP are effectively obsolete in 2022. We will focus specifically on Windows 10 because it is currently the most widely used Windows version. To find an answer to these questions, we first need to see exactly what it is that an operating system does. Which of these is the best operating system for gaming? Windows 10 might dominate the market, but is it really the best system for running video games? The last on the list is Linux with a 1.73% market share. On the other hand, macOS is optimized exclusively for Apple devices and holds 17.72% of the market share.

which windows os is best for laptop which windows os is best for laptop

For example, Microsoft Windows has been optimized for usability and compatibility which is why it controls 76.45% of the market share. However, not every operating system is created equal they have been optimized for various tasks and purposes. Without that soul, the computer is rendered useless. The CPU (central processing unit) can be considered the brain of every computer, but the OS is its soul. Today, every piece of hardware needs to be combined with some kind of software, specifically, an operating system. All of these devices share a common trait: they have an operating system (or OS for short). It could be a phone, tablet, laptop, desktop PC, or it might even be a smartwatch. You are currently reading this article on some form of device.

Which windows os is best for laptop